Jacaranda joins the COVID-19 prevention effort

As COVID-19 rapidly spreads across Africa and has reached Malawi, the Jacaranda School is intensely focused on the health and wellbeing of our students, staff and community. We are joining in the COVID prevention efforts and are: sewing and distributing masks, distributing soap, ensuring vulnerable families receive porridge flour and maize flour, implementing health education, and developing a remote education model for our students. In addition to closing our school, we have closed the physiotherapy clinic and the Jacaranda Cultural Center.

Two weeks ago, the president of Malawi announced the country would enter a lockdown. All schools currently remain all closed and there are additional restrictions in movements and large gatherings. As of today, there are 36 COVID-19 cases in Malawi and three deaths. However, the surge in new cases is in the densely populated township in Lilongwe, causing deep concern in Malawi.

Jeny WegbreitCOVID